On September 12th at 11:15 AM, we will be present at the in-person event “Automation and Digitalization of Production Processes through KET technologies,” part of an event organized by CARTIF and MANU-KET (Spanish Technological Platform for Advanced Manufacturing) in collaboration with (CBECyL) Cluster of Capital Goods of Castilla y León.
The event will take place at the headquarters of the CARTIF Foundation, located in the technological park of Boecillo, 205, Boecillo – Valladolid.
Synersight will be part of the session titled “LogisTalks: Challenges and Experiences in Automation and Robotics,” moderated by Tomás de la Vega, Managing Director of Logistop. During this session, we will have the opportunity to listen to the following presentations:
“The challenge of Automation, Robotics, and Digitalization in SMEs” presented by Javier Olmos, Strategy and Business Development Manager at CARTIF.
“Automation and robotization of production processes as essential factors for organizational specialization,” presented by José Vicente Caurín, Director of the R&D Technical Department at Logifruit.
“Automation of port terminals” offered by Carmen Serrano Hidalgo, Head of the Warehouse Tower at BERGÉ.
“Automation, a key to growth” presented by Renato Gonzaga, Project Manager at Synersight.
“Flexible and collaborative intralogistics” delivered by Xabier Madina, Logistics Key Account Manager at OMRON Industrial Automation Europe.
“Complex industrial automation solutions with collaborative and mobile robotics” offered by Alejandro García Salguero, Commercial Manager of Robotics at Keyland Sistemas de Gestión.
“R&D and Innovation in Machine Tools. Nicolás Correa Group Experience” presented by Javier Hernando Saiz, R&D Director at Nicolás Correa and President of (CBECyL) Cluster of Capital Goods of Castilla y León.
“AI applied to manufacturing processes” by Iñigo Bediaga, Head of the Department of ICT and Automation at IDEKO Technological Center.
Additionally, there will be an enriching panel discussion.
This event represents an invaluable opportunity to expand your knowledge in the field of automation and robotics, as well as to connect with industry experts.
Don’t forget to mark the date on your calendar and join us for this event! Register for the event.