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Outdoor autonomous vehicle prototype with natural navigation.
Synersight’s commitment to R+D+i is very clear. Its developments are the result of its own research and development process, and this philosophy it intends to follow in the future: innovation and research as a differentiating process in the market, dedicating an important part of its own resources (economic and human) to this end.
To continue in this line of development, this R&D project is created to obtain a prototype of an outdoor AGV with autonomous navigation, which allows greater flexibility to changes in the Lay-out of the companies and allows to carry out with simplicity and security, the planning of the routes of transport of material directly by the final customer. This will allow an improvement in the competitiveness of the companies, as well as cost savings that will improve their productivity.
All this developed technology and positioning systems can be implemented in other machines in the future. Possibility of future R&D projects.

Hybrid Laser-Artificial Vision Automatic Stacker Vehicle – IDI – 20180445
The project “Hybrid Laser-Automatic Stacker Vehicle – Artificial Vision”, which has the financial support of the Center for the Technological and Industrial Development CDTI, is based on the design and development of a prototype of a hybrid automatic vehicle based on laser guidance and a 3D artificial vision system. These systems, accompanied by an important safety equipment, allow a high flexibility in the implementation of routes in a simple way and the adaptation of the machine to variable environments.
Most of the developments come from the international market and very little technology is developed in Spain. In most cases it is simply a matter of integrating solutions and the added value is minimal and with very high costs.
The project aims to facilitate the end user the operation and management of the machine and its work. By developing our own technology and taking advantage of the knowledge acquired to undertake the planning, design and development of new prototypes, we optimize the production process and become more competitive in the market.

International Expansion Project.
International Expansion ProjectIn Synersight we understand globalization as the phenomenon that gives the starting point to the processes of business internationalization, because it is currently one of the main reasons that allows markets to be more competitive, allowing companies to be willing to be part of more distant markets, internationalizing their products or services which generates business and economic growth. Thanks to this, business internationalization is presented as one of the fundamental pillars to ensure growth and future prospects in Synersight.
Counting on the initiative and support of the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León, the following dossiers are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund with the aim of achieving a more competitive business fabric.
- 08/18/va/0318
- 08/18/va/0323
- 08/18/va/0331
- 08/18/va/0378
- 08/18/va/0396

Range of safe and flexible Automatic Guided Machines.
The RX range of automatic guidance machines, designed and developed by Synersight, was created with the aim of significantly improving the safety levels of the CM range, through added control and peace of mind. The AGVs will more easily cope with changing environmental conditions without threatening safety conditions.

NAP – Natural Navigation for Automated Mobile Platform.
The project ¨ Natural Navigation for Automated Mobile Platform ¨ has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), with the aim of promoting technological development, innovation and quality research. The project is based on the development of a prototype of a natural navigation system, a system based on four interrelated modules; localization, planning, trajectory tracking and obstacle avoidance. This system, accompanied by an important safety equipment, allows a high flexibility in the implementation of routes in a simple way and the adaptation of automatic guidance machines in variable environments. Extend the current 2D navigation techniques (purely geometric and reactive) with predictive elements that allow a better behavior against moving obstacles.
The specific technical objectives of the project are to provide the mobile platform with the necessary algorithms to perform the following tasks: Locate and navigate smoothly and robustly indoors, without having to add references in the environment and considering the dynamics of detected obstacles by generating trajectories that anticipate these movements to achieve greater fluidity and no collision with obstacles.
Dossier: IDI-20211097
Execution period: 06/30/2021 – 12/31/2021
A way to make Europe
Emayor Synersight Technologies S.L.

RomoFlex- ITC- 20181132. Low-cost mobile robotic platform for flexible and reconfigurable order picking.
The popularization of autonomous automated systems, such as flexible and collaborative robotics is driving the demand for new products by companies, which is opening up new markets. This has meant that in recent years the demand for robotic mobile platforms (RMPs) has increased, being a request that has been received by integrators, engineering companies and research centers. The business opportunity for companies that can supply this technology is therefore clear, but to achieve an adequate volume of business, the proposed solution must maintain a good cost-benefit ratio.
ROMOFLEX is looking for a functional, modular, and market-focused prototype that responds to the handling needs present in a Lean manufacturing environment (Elimco) where the capabilities of the PMR can be exploited to the maximum, both from the connectivity point of view (Softcrits), and from the product point of view (mobile platform – Synersight and manipulator robot – DGH).
Within this framework, ROMOFLEX contributes mainly to the societal challenge R7: Digital economy and society. ROMOFLEX will contribute to the ICT sector in Andalusia and Castilla y Leon, by strengthening and differentiating the technological offer of ELIMCO, Softcrits, DGH and Synersight. An innovative offer in robotics, artificial vision systems and 4.0 connectivity in highly organized production lines are undoubtedly a set of solutions for the industries of the future.
Framed in the Innterconecta 2018 Program, the project consortium is led by DGH Robótica Automatización Y Mantenimiento Industrial and completed by the companies ELYMCO, SOFTCRIST, and SYNERSIGHT. TECNALIA participates as a collaborating entity.
Emayor Synersight Technologies S.L.
The Robotized Mobile Platform, object of the project, will have a degree of autonomy (partial and controlled) that will be a technological leap with respect to the technologies of the companies in the consortium. The PMR as a whole will add the capabilities of the different project partners and the subcontracted collaborating entity to offer the following capabilities:
Having a high perception capacity (by vision and by contact) of its environment to adapt its internal model.
The FEDER-Innterconecta program is aimed at experimental development in cooperation between companies, to achieve technological innovation with applicability and impact on the productive sector. Romoflex is an example of a strategy of cooperation and collaboration between the participating partners that fits within the lines and approaches in which, from both regional and European authorities, has been emphasized in recent years as fundamental axes for the promotion of competitiveness: science-technology-innovation based on the collaboration of companies (and technology centers).